Will soar up to the skies =)

Will soar up to the skies =)
Chase the DREAM=)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Havin fun back seating the twin flight =)

Few days ago went back seating my previous instructor twin flight =)
He's no longer my instructor...miss him man haha XD
btw all this pictures were taken with my laptop hahahahaha XD
This flight is a last min decision XD cuz my fren he call me just join the fun =)
using my laptop camera is kinda better than my hp haha XD
but of course my hp is clearer is take pics that is static-ly there haha =)

In this flight its actually kinda like a joy ride to me...
cuz i m not paying n indirectly go up n learn n experience some stuff =)
Twin engine got lots more of stuff to do...single engine less checks...
Oh ya i've pass my 100hours mark last 2 days ago =) Its a good news =)
total up for today i have 100:50haha =)
long more to go b4 enter twin =) enter need 165 hours =)
anyway till next time =) peace =)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Un-intentionally flew into IFR XD

Basically at my rates, i m allow to fly on VFR rules(visual flight)
but few days ago when i did my nav the cloud and haze are really thick n BIG XD

I was thinking that not to return to base.. just proceed n get it done ..
n lucky i recalled some ways to fly my navigation..
I did something like airways as in i just track a VOR to another VOR get cross fixing to identify my location=) Thanks to Capt Keone who taught me this =)
(sorry for those who don really understand XD, well its basically fly without looking out XD)
And before commencing this act, i calculate my safety height..lucky at 3000feet i m above the highest features along my way =)
Lucky Fred did the same nav as me and we went together.. lucky he is there to keep me company to chat for some time...
honestly with 1 VOR doing all this stuff..its kinda tiring..
n takes a lot of hard work n effort to identify where i m in the air =)

After all the work of finding where i m, the most satisfying moment is when
i see the city that i was looking for XD
basically navigations are about moving from a city to a city hehe =)
when i landed back in Melaka i told Capt Keone..
He told me that he himself did it once in the US haha XD
then v just have a great laughter XD

Based on some stories, 95% ppl who fly VFR into IFR had met an accident..
I m considering myself super damn lucky to be apart of the 5% who survive in these kind of situations...
even though its just moment without having ground visual...
it kinda creeps me out when i m closed to being lost n cant find where i m XD
conclusion be safe at all cost =)

Btw the latest was i passed all my papers already =)
based on the latest news i pass all hahahahaha XD
no more resit n exam hall in MFA haha XD
n of course step my foot in AIRLINES!!! =)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Slow Flights

Slow flight...
basically is just get the aircraft move slow =)
and guess what...slow flight are actual important moment in flying hehe=)
during landing speed will be as slow as stall speed...stall horn is actually a friend to guide pilots..
it tells us pilot that at the moment we have to be extra careful cuz the aircraft might stall...

Besides doin slow flight on finals, sometimes is very helpful
cuz there's an aircraft wants to land or takeoff on the runway ,
so slow down the plane might be a right decision hehe =)

so far to be honest, the pilot can slow down the aircraft as slow as 1 or 2 knots b4 stalling speed =) n of course with power setting and nose up attitude =)

alright that's all for now =)

And this is Hazel =)
she enjoys me doing OMG maneuver hahahaha XD
and she wants to be an airliner as well =)
All the best every1 out there =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I got new instructor...

Well what do u know...
i've a new instructor hehe =)
his name is capt MU...
full name i dunno yet XD
he is ex-MFA's student =)

To think about it..if things doesn't look pretty good out there...
I'll be like him i guess haha XD being a AFI =)
Assist flying instructor la hehe =)
Today was my 1st flight with him since i cancel my nav...
well no matter what i've gotta fly with him at least a few times...
n today things went out pretty well...
he got no comment on my flight haha XD
only certain minor errors i guess XD
anyway...hopefully both of us can learn n be better everytime =)

Sadly i cant upload some new pics..
my hp got slight prob..i cant send it to my lappy=(
when its there then will do some uploads la heheh =)

Ever since after my exam...so far for the past 3days...
i've been progressing pretty well =)
now is my turn to expedite in my progress =)
do well be the best i can =)

i've took my batch mate Hazel for a mutual ride =)
i did some maneuver n she likes it..not shock at all...
n she did good landing on the way back =)
same goes to Fahmi today =)
3 entry of VMK haha =)
n a smooth touch down =)

well nothing much at the moment..

Friday, December 3, 2010

Greetings!!! =) Welcome to Crazyk-wing=)

Aloha Every1 =) its me the owner of crazyk-wing hehe =)
final paper is over muahahha XD which means i have some time for my old fren (blog) hehe =)
1stly how do i look in my new hairstyle?? ok or ko???
happily comment it if u wan2 =)

So Far for Ground school---
last day was 26NOV 2010...
only few of us are in the class...
i'm very sure i m gonna miss moments in my ground school period hahaXD
Alright my class consist 22 cadets include me =)
Every1 in the class are nice towards me...
well there are of course some sarcasm as in...
ppl calling me Pendek...Dangerous pilot...n many more haha XD
well i don really mind those names =)
in fact i m ok with it and its good that i can get along with all of them hehe =)
and i hope for the best for my frens who needs to resit some papers..
All the best ya buddies =) make sure u KICK JAA ASS!!!

and for the updates of my flying sector------
i have 83hours will expedite n try my very best to grad in the month of early April max hehe =)
and the moment i grad i will be having 200 hours hehe =)
when i m not busy...most likely i will apply to join the flying club
at sungai besi =) if i m not mistaken, i m allowed to bring frens n family take a up-close
look at KL city =) err...which is get to see KLCC in the air haha XD
well that will be my future plan=)
And not to forget if i cant land a job in Malaysian Airlines or Air Asia,
Me and Liyana
don look down on female pilot =)
Me and raymond
-he is a nice guy=)
Me and Nicole =)
He is my senior haha XD

i wont be just lazing around at home doing nothing much..
i will be a AFI aka Assist Flying Instructor for the small aircraft hehe =)
Gain more experience b4 the big job...AIRLINER *_* so cool!!! haha XD

well guys and girls =)
I m back once again hahahaha XD =)
and for U guys out there chasing dreams...
DON BE A QUITTER N Smile ya =)

current updates...
still with Debbie(my dear)
still active and playful!!!
love frens n family hehe =)
